NMK Consulting Ltd

Access Point Trading

Market Connectivity Software

© NMK Consulting Ltd, trading as Access Point Trading. Access Point Trading is a registered TradeMark ®.


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Linux Windows C++ Java .Net

NMK Consulting Ltd

Established in 2004, NMK Consulting Ltd provides a wide range of specialised market connectivity software and solutions. We are an independent firm of software developers based in the UK. For the first time, in 2016 we grouped all our services together under the product name Access Point Trading.

Tutorial Videos

API Walkthrough Programmer Tutorials Shared memory IPC layer Tutorials API Versioning
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NMK Consulting Ltd

Access Point


Market Connectivity Software

© NMK Consulting Ltd. Access Point Trading ®


Eurex Xetra CME ICE MTS More…


Linux Windows C++ Java .Net

NMK Consulting Ltd

Established in 2004, NMK Consulting Ltd provides a wide range of specialised market connectivity software and solutions. We are an independent firm of software developers based in the UK. For the first time, in 2016 we grouped all our services together under the product name Access Point Trading.

Tutorial Videos

API Walkthrough Programmer Tutorials Shared memory IPC layer Tutorials API Versioning
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